by CORAL Magazine | Aug 28, 2015 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine, New Products
Excerpt from CORAL Magazine’s RARITIES section, September/October 2015 Issue “One-in-a-Million” New Ocellaris Clownfish Attendees of the Marine Aquarium Conference of North America in Washington, DC, will get a chance to see the latest and most...
by Matt Pedersen | Jul 17, 2015 | AMAZONAS - Matt Pedersen, CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Freshwater, Marine, News & Notes
Interviews with Researchers Craig A. Downs, Ph.D. and Heather Hamlin, Ph.D. By Matt Pedersen, CORAL & AMAZONAS Magazine Senior Editor Last week we shared a press release (Chemical in Plastic Bags Lethal to Aquarium Fish) from the Haereticus Environmental...