by CORAL Magazine | Sep 26, 2012 | Marine, News & Notes
CORAL’s November/December Issue The last time CORAL featured Giant Clams the issue become one of the bestsellers in the history of the magazine, and today it is still one of the most-treasured collector’s items. Tridacna clams are back, in a big, glorious...
by James Lawrence | May 30, 2009 | CORAL - James Lawrence, CORAL Excerpt, Marine
For many years, it was an article of faith among conscientious aquarists and many marine biologists that the collection of reef fishes for the aquarium trade could never lead to the extinction of a species. The theory behind this is simple enough: most coral reef fish...
by Matthew L. Wittenrich | Sep 10, 2008 | CORAL - Matthew L. Wittenrich, Marine
Profit, ethics and the marine aquarium trade This year’s Marine Aquarium Conference of North America (MACNA) heard a rather alarming call for action and a warning question issued to everyone involved in the marine aquarium hobby. At what price do we sacrifice...
by CORAL Magazine | Jan 1, 2008 | Marine
My notes and observations on Raising and Breeding the Banggai Cardinalfish By Frank C. Marini, Ph.D. Introduction The Banggai Cardinalfish (BC), Pterapogon kauderni, (a.k.a. the Banner Cardinal, Black and Silver Cardinal, High-fin Cardinal, and/or Outhouse Cardinal),...