MACNA 2021: Virtual & Vital

MACNA 2021: Virtual & Vital

Fantastic Speaker Line-up, including, clockwise from top left, Dr. Judy St. Leger (Rising Tide), Tom Bowling (BIOTA Aquaculture), Russell Kelley (BYO Coral ID Guide), Dr. Takuma Mezaki (coral spawning researcher), and many more! Welcome to MACNA 2021 Online –...
MACNA 2021 Going Virtual

MACNA 2021 Going Virtual

Due to ongoing pandemic concerns, MACNA will again be held as a virtual event in 2021, with a plan to return to an in-person format in 2022. via Marine Aquarium Societies of North America (MASNA) MACNA 2021 now virtual, MACNA in Atlanta, GA to be rescheduled, MACNA...