by CORAL Magazine | Feb 25, 2015 | Marine, New Products
CORAL Magazine Volume 12, Number 2 Gracing the cover is a quintessentially curious dwarf angelfish, in this case a naturally-occurring hybrid known as the “Tigerpyge” (Centropyge eibli x C. flavissima), a fish photographed and kept by “Lemon” Tea Yi Kai....
by CORAL Magazine | Jan 13, 2015 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine, New Products
If you haven’t yet seen our latest issue, here’s a pictorial look at the first issue for 2015!
by Matt Pedersen | Oct 3, 2014 | Marine
It has only been a few years since the stunning Blue-Green soft coral most North Americans know as Sympodium sp. really started to enter the US reef trade in appreciable numbers. It can still be challenging to find even today, and many aquarists aren’t yet...