by Matt Pedersen | Mar 9, 2023 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Cover of CORAL Magazine Volume 20, Issue 2: SEXY SHRIMPS (March/April 2023). On the cover: : Harlequin Shrimp, Hymenocera pictus, James D. Watt./Blue Planet Archive. Background: “OA Blasto”, Blastomussa sp.; MVargas Photography at Ocean Avenue, Arlington, Texas...
by Vincent Chalias | Jan 12, 2023 | CORAL - Vincent Chalias, Marine
The Holy Grail of many passionate coral enthusiasts, wild Open Brain Corals, Trachyphyllia geoffroyi, are a sight to remember. Coral diving on the black sand slope of North Bali can be thrilling for the passionate LPS enthusiast looking to visit all of their favorite...
by CORAL Magazine | Dec 18, 2020 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
Can you identify this marine invertebrate? Hint: It is not Christmas Tree Worms. Image by Vincent Chalias/Bali Aquarium. Excerpt from Reef VisionsEdited by Matt PedersenJanuary/February 2021 CORAL RED & GOLD CYCLOSERISCycloseris sp.Bali AquariumDenpasar, Bali,...
by CORAL Magazine | Jan 1, 2016 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
The January/February 2016 Issue of CORAL Magazine is printed and now delivering to print magazine subscribers, local aquarium shops. Here is a sample of articles and opening pages for readers wondering what the issue will deliver. On sale date: January 3, 2016 at the...
by Matt Pedersen | Jul 2, 2015 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Does your local retailer keep CORAL Magazine all wrapped up in a poly bag at the shop? Have you only experienced our Digital Edition? CORAL continues to publish a timeless, highest-quality print edition. For those who have a hard time thumbing through a print...