by Vincent Chalias | Aug 4, 2023 | CORAL - Vincent Chalias, Marine
It’s probably not Acropora tenuis, but Acropora bifaria. The answer is ‘probably not’! A new publication fresh from the oven just came out last week about the phylogeny of Acropora tenuis. Tom C.L. Bridge et al. published their research, “A...
by Matt Pedersen | Dec 18, 2021 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, CORAL - Than Thein, Marine
After watching Than Thein explain it, you’ll understand just how naughty it is to say, “Wow that’s a stunning Scoly!” Sorry to disappoint if our title leads you to believe that Tidal Garden’s Than Thein was about to trash-talk the...
by Matt Pedersen | Oct 23, 2020 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Cover of CORAL Magazine Volume 17, Issue 5 – VERMES – November/December 2020. On the cover: Serpulid Feather Duster Worm, Protula magnifica: Denise Nielsen Tackett. Background: Dermal gills on Cushion Sea Star, Culcita novaeguineae: Larry P. Tackett Go to the Digital...
by Mike Tuccinardi | Jun 25, 2016 | CORAL - Mike Tuccinardi, Marine, News & Notes
Famed Australian coral researcher and taxonomist J.E.N. (“Charlie”) Veron, perhaps best known for his expansive Corals of the World anthology, has been a driving force in our current understanding of stony coral evolution and biogeography for decades....