by CORAL Magazine | Oct 29, 2021 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Cover of CORAL Magazine Volume 18, Issue 6 – FANG BLENNIES – November/December 2021. On the cover: Bluestripe Fangblenny, Plagiotremus rhynorhynchus, Blue Planet Archive. Background: Lobophyllia sp. Coral: Gary Bell/Oceanwide Images. Go to the Digital Edition—for...
by Matt Pedersen | Aug 26, 2015 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
You may have glimpsed a copy of CORAL at your local aquarium retailer, or tucked among the offerings at Barnes & Noble, still wrapped in its protective poly sleeve, and wondered what mysteries are hidden inside. This is our latest sneak peek underneath the wrapper...
by CORAL Magazine | Jul 23, 2015 | CORAL - James Lawrence, Marine
CORAL Magazine Volume 12, Number 5 CORAL’s exciting next issue (September/October 2015—to be introduced at MACNA 2015 in Washington, DC, September 3-5)—will provide a guide to Bulletproof SPS corals—the species that experienced reefkeepers rank highest by these...
by Matt Pedersen | Jul 2, 2015 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Does your local retailer keep CORAL Magazine all wrapped up in a poly bag at the shop? Have you only experienced our Digital Edition? CORAL continues to publish a timeless, highest-quality print edition. For those who have a hard time thumbing through a print...
by CORAL Magazine | Oct 2, 2014 | Marine, New Products
CORAL Magazine Volume 11, Number 6 DEADLINE for materials to be included in this issue: Friday October 10, 15th. The issue will reach homes and stores in the first week November, 2014. Imagine the marine aquarium hobby and trade without its most popular and iconic...