CORAL March/April 2015 Issue Preview

CORAL March/April 2015 Issue Preview

CORAL Magazine Volume 12, Number 2 Gracing the cover is a quintessentially curious dwarf angelfish, in this case a naturally-occurring hybrid known as the “Tigerpyge” (Centropyge eibli x C. flavissima), a fish photographed and kept by “Lemon” Tea Yi Kai....
CORAL Video: Deep Water Centropyge In-Situ

CORAL Video: Deep Water Centropyge In-Situ

This stunning video shows Centropyge (Paracentropyge) boyleyi (The Peppermint Angelfish) and Centropyge narcosis (the Narcosis or Narc Angelfish) cohabitating in the wild. According to the brief video description provided, these fish were filled at...