by Matt Pedersen | Apr 10, 2020 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine, New Products
Captive-bred marine angelfish aren’t new; they have a long history going back all the way to Martin Moe’s efforts with Florida’s Pomacanthus before many reefkeepers were even alive. However, it has taken decades to get the aquarium trade to the point...
by CORAL Magazine | Oct 21, 2019 | Marine, New Products
via ORA ORA is pleased to announce our first two species of aquacultured angelfish! While our available inventory on these species is very limited, we are anticipating small but consistent supplies of both the ORA Cherub (Centropyge argi) and ORA Coral Beauty...
by Matt Pedersen | Jun 26, 2019 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
Call it Eibl’s Angelfish, the Red Stripe Angelfish, or the Blacktail Angelfish (or even call it half of the recipe for a Tigerpyge), but whatever common name you chose, Centropyge eibli is a charming dwarf angelfish that somehow escaped the focus of the...
by Matt Pedersen | May 16, 2019 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
Dubbed “Koi” by the aquarium trade and hobby, aberrant tangs and angelfish that display mottled, patchy coloration that heavily deviates from the norm command attention. They remain a relative rarity, only occasionally encountered and collected for the...
by CORAL Magazine | Sep 8, 2016 | Marine, New Products
Quality Marine Receives Aquacultured Multicolor (Centropyge multicolor) & Flame (C. loriculus) Angels via Quality Marine September 9, 2016 – Los Angeles – Quality Marine is proud to announce the arrival of Aquacultured Flame Angels & Multicolor Angels at...