What Does Coral Bleaching Look Like in Hawaii?

What Does Coral Bleaching Look Like in Hawaii?

from CORAL contributor Bruce Carlson Potter’s Angelfish (Centropyge potteri), like other pygmy angelfishes, is always on the move, and it takes time and patience to photograph. Alternatively, you could just set a GoPro camera and tiny tripod on a rock and wait....
VIDEO: Escape to Underwater Palau for 2:35

VIDEO: Escape to Underwater Palau for 2:35

Dr. Bruce Carlson transports us all to Nikko Bay, Palau, with some amazing 4K footage from the coral reef. This outwardly healthy reef is stunning, although it’s not always been that way. According to Carlson, “Just a year earlier the shallow part of this...
Rare Video of Deepwater Sunburst Anthias

Rare Video of Deepwater Sunburst Anthias

Sunburst Anthias or Hawk Anthias on the reef (Serranocirrhitus latus) By Bruce Carlson, Ph.D. & Marj Awai For whatever reason, this beautiful little anthias is not often the subject of underwater video. It is a bit shy and it lives rather deep, which are two...