by Dan Rigle | May 8, 2019 | CORAL - Dan Rigle, Marine
I know that many who are new to saltwater aquariums have searched for colorful corals that can be kept without the experience and expensive equipment many seasoned reef keepers possess. There is a large number of corals that do not require precise and perfect seawater...
by Matt Pedersen | Dec 28, 2017 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
CORAL Magazine’s exciting first issue for 2018, the January/February issue, MICRO REEFS, is printed and will soon be delivered to subscribers, local aquarium shops, and select bookstores—on sale January 2nd, 2018, at the best marine aquarium retail stores and...
by CORAL Magazine | Dec 28, 2017 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Please Join CORAL Magazine’s Best Marine Aquarium Fishes project. Take our online survey to get your fishkeeping experiences included in the first major rating of species—for beginners to experts. TAKE THE SURVEY NOW This is a short, 12-question survey that can...
by Than Thein | Jan 19, 2017 | CORAL - Than Thein, Marine
A protein skimmer is a device designed to clean the water in a reef aquarium by removing dissolved organic compounds. Put even more simply, it is a controlled overflow of dirty water. Imagine a chamber that vigorously mixes air and water to create a dense foam....
by Than Thein | Apr 8, 2016 | CORAL - Than Thein, Marine
I started the hobby before the Internet became widely used, and information for new marine aquarists was sourced mainly through local fish stores. I was lucky enough to have some decent ones, but it was limited—no doubt about that. Today, beginning hobbyists have to...