by CORAL Magazine | Sep 2, 2016 | Marine, News & Notes
In a follow-up to the announcement of the New England Aquarium as a Grand Prize winner of the USAID Wildlife Crime Tech Challenge for their smart invoicing technology project, watch this interview with Dr. Andrew Rhyne of the New England Aquarium and Roger Williams...
by Mike Tuccinardi | Jun 16, 2016 | Freshwater, Marine, News & Notes
For years, Aquarama has been among the signature trade shows for the global aquarium trade, a destination event which was until recently held biennially in Singapore. Earlier this year, it was announced that the show will relocate to Guangzhou, China in a change of...
by CORAL Magazine | Oct 30, 2015 | Marine, News & Notes
With the aquarium world still buzzing over the October 20th announcement of the world-first success in the captive culture of Zebrasoma flavescens, researchers at the Oceanic Institute of Hawaii Pacific University tell CORAL that their historic class of juveniles are...
by Thane Militz | Jul 16, 2015 | CORAL - Thane Militz, Marine
Marine Aquarium Hobbyist Survey Bettering the hobby through research This survey is being conducted by James Cook University, National Fisheries Authority PNG, and the Marine Aquarium Trade Research group. By Thane Militz Have you ever gone into your local fish store...
by CORAL Magazine | Jul 9, 2015 | Freshwater, Marine, News & Notes
Chemical in Plastic Bags Threatens Marine Conservation and Human Health press release via Haereticus Environmental Laboratory Clifford, Virginia – Plastic bags can be poisonous. A scientific study published by researchers at Haereticus Environmental Laboratory and the...