CORAL New Issue “VERMES” Inside Look

CORAL New Issue “VERMES” Inside Look

Cover of CORAL Magazine Volume 17, Issue 5 – VERMES – November/December 2020. On the cover: Serpulid Feather Duster Worm, Protula magnifica: Denise Nielsen Tackett. Background: Dermal gills on Cushion Sea Star, Culcita novaeguineae: Larry P. Tackett Go to the Digital...
Bubbletip Bonanza!

Bubbletip Bonanza!

Bubbletip Sea Anemone (BTA), Entacmaea quadricolor, imported and photographed by ACI Aquaculture in Plant City, Florida. In the next issue of CORAL, Sr. Editor Matt Pedersen interviews Chris Meckley, founder of ACI Aquaculture in Plant City, Florida, to discuss his...