Hundreds of captive-bred marine Angelfish being sorted on the farm at Bali Aquarich. Is this the future? (from the article Holy Grail, Inc., by Vincent Chalias, CORAL Magazine Sept./Oct. 2019)
The 2019 Marine Aquarium Conference of North America (MACNA) has set the tone with this year’s theme, Celebrating Aquaculture. As the marine aquarium industry comes to terms with an ever more uncertain future, it is difficult to argue that aquaculture, in all its forms, is going to play an increasing role in the future of the marine ornamental aquarium livestock trade.
This page serves as a launching point for many CORAL Magazine projects investigating and highlighting the progress of marine ornamental aquaculture. As always, your comments and questions are encouraged.
CORAL Magazine Excerpts and Bonus Features
Editor’s Page: On the cusp of a marine livestock tipping point
VIDEO: Meeting the Aquaculture Needs of Your Local Fish Store
Important Links
CORAL Magazine’s Captive-Bred Marine Aquarium Fish Species List Species Project
CORAL Magazine’s Captive-Bred Marine Aquarium Fish & Invertebrate List – Project Homepage
Citations Of This Project
Check these links to see examples of how our project’s data and observations are utilized in other publications.
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