The Curious SeaTorch Coral Viewer

The Curious SeaTorch Coral Viewer

The Internet keeps making the world smaller. This week, a device for viewing and photographing corals top-down from SeaTorch, an under-the-radar brand that primarily has a presence in China and Australia, caught our attention on Instagram. Reef aquarist and author...
Mystery Fish Revealed

Mystery Fish Revealed

Orange-lined TriggerfishBalistapus undulatus The Orange-lined Trigger is a truly stunning reef fish, but one with a reputation for belligerence. It grows to 30 cm (12 in), and Fishbase warns that is “traumatogenic)—it will attack and bite divers’ (and...
Mystery Reef Fish from Carolina Aquatics

Mystery Reef Fish from Carolina Aquatics

A new arrival at aquarium wholesaler Carolina Aquatics – can you ID this mystery fish? Something truly distinctive arrived at Kernersville, North Carolina-based aquarium wholesaler Carolina Aquatics this week. Aquarists who’ve been in the marine hobby for...