by James Lawrence | May 28, 2009 | CORAL - James Lawrence, Marine
It seems only yesterday that we inherited CORAL Magazine, but the third issue of 2009 is now in the mail and shipping to local aquarium shops and bookstores. (The official publication and bookstore on-sale date is June 9th, so anyone getting copies sooner has a...
by Jay Hemdal | May 16, 2009 | AMAZONAS - Jay Hemdal, CORAL - Jay Hemdal, Freshwater, Marine
Public aquarists often have difficulty photographing their exhibits. Not only do they have the same problems as home aquarists (flash reflection off the glass, issues with white balance, fast moving fish, etc.) they have the added distortion caused by thicker viewing...
by Anne Linton | May 1, 2009 | CORAL Tables of Contents, Marine
MOUTHBROODERS VOLUME 6, NUMBER 3 2 Letter From Europe by Daniel Knop 5 Editor’s Page by James M. Lawrence 8 Letters 10 Reef News 20 Rarities: Yellowbanded Possum Wrasse (Wetmorella nigropinnata) Clear Cleaner Shrimp (Urocaridella antonbrunii) by...
by CORAL Magazine | Apr 15, 2009 | Marine
Originally posted: 2009 In response to: Marinelife Collection Debate Heats Up in Florida Shrouding Opinion in Fact: Science Stampeding to Collapse Overharvests in Florida? Please Consider Some Facts Dear CORAL Magazine, It is encouraging to see the animated...
by James Lawrence | Apr 13, 2009 | AMAZONAS - James Lawrence, CORAL - James Lawrence, Freshwater, Marine, News & Notes
A bill now working its way through the United States Congress would effectively end the keeping of non-native species in home aquariums. (Nevermind that your pet finches, hamsters, and Portugese Water Dogs might be banned, too.) We will be publishing much more, but in...
by CORAL Magazine | Apr 5, 2009 | Marine
Originally posted: 2009 A response to: “Crawling to Collapse: Ecologically Unsound Ornamental Invertebrate Fisheries” By Eric Borneman It is with some dismay that I read the responses of Watson, Moe, Wittenrich and Young regarding the article, “Crawling to Collapse:...