by Anne Linton | Mar 1, 2013 | CORAL Tables of Contents, Marine
ZOANTHIDS VOLUME 10, NUMBER 2 4 Letter From Europe by Daniel Knop 7 Editor’s Page by James M. Lawrence 8 Letters 12 Reef News 24 Rarities: Pseudocoris Wrasses by Scott W. Michael FEATURE ARTICLES 32 A Zeal For Zoanthids by Daniel Knop 36 Things...
by Ronald L. Shimek, PhD | Feb 27, 2013 | CORAL - Ronald L. Shimek, PhD, Marine
This is my introduction to the readers of the Reef2Rainforest site, where I will, in a manner reminiscent of an old and ancient city, be babbling on about a non-existent group of animals. Just as one can’t prove a negative proposition, such as “There are...
by CORAL Magazine | Feb 27, 2013 | Marine
One of the most stunning underwater videos we have seen recently, from Wakatobi, Sulawesi, Indonesia. A must-see for reef aquarists and divers alike. Credit: Wakatobi Dive...
by CORAL Magazine | Feb 27, 2013 | Marine, News & Notes
Scientists have long puzzled over a commonly seen Idaho fossil of shark-like teeth arranged in a circle. Completely unlike anything seen in living fishes and has long posed a conundrum for science. Now a team at the Idaho Museum of Natural History has theorized how...
by Matt Pedersen | Feb 26, 2013 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
We can add another species to our ongoing captive-bred marine aquarium fish list this week with the announcement of successful captive breeding of the Crested Oyster Goby, Cryptocentroides gobiodes. At first glance, it’s safe to say most aquarists are going to...
by CORAL Magazine | Feb 18, 2013 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Editor’s Note: For many of us, Dr. Gerald R. Allen, known throughout the aquatics world as Gerry, is one of the living heroes of reef fish science. A protégé of the legendary Dr. John Randall, Gerry has personally found and described a tremendous array of new...