by Ronald L. Shimek, PhD | Apr 19, 2013 | CORAL - Ronald L. Shimek, PhD, Marine
The First Of A Series Of Related Blogs – This One Sets The Stage. A New World I was doomed from the get-go. My really formative years were during the post-Sputnik era, when I discovered speculative or science-fiction literature. As a result, I would have given...
by Ronald L. Shimek, PhD | Apr 19, 2013 | CORAL - Ronald L. Shimek, PhD, Marine
While doing some mindless work the other day, and wanting to escape the drudgery, I put my mind in some other place and started to wonder for the umpteenth time about some of the things I didn’t learn in grad school. These were some of the important things “the...
by Matt Pedersen | Apr 10, 2013 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Ocean Rider, based in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, is well known in the sygnathid community for their commercial propagation efforts with seahorses. What might not be as widely known is the research and development work being done with the related sea dragons, specifically...
by CORAL Magazine | Apr 10, 2013 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Here is a 250-gallon (950-L) reef aquarium owned by Greg Heifner in Colombia, Missouri. The system operates with a 150-gallon algal turf scrubber located below in the basement. Note the profusion of red mushroom anemones on the right-hand-side of the aquascape. From...
by CORAL Magazine | Apr 10, 2013 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Contrary to popular wisdom, coral reefs in remote areas have the potential to rebound from bleaching events and in time frames that marine biologists find astonishing. Isolated coral reefs can recover from catastrophic damage as effectively as those with nearby...
by CORAL Magazine | Apr 6, 2013 | Marine, News & Notes
11:59 PM EST April 5th, 2013 has passed and appears to still be accepting public commentary, so you have another 11 hours or so to say your piece online. [Update, comment period has now closed, you can view the document and public commentary here] In...