by CORAL Magazine | Jul 24, 2014 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Excerpt from CORAL Magazine’s Rarities column, July/August 2014, page 28 Exceptionally beautiful, the Undulate Triggerfish (Balistapus undulatus), also known as the Orangelined Triggerfish or Orangetailed Triggerfish, is regarded by many as one of the most bold...
by CORAL Magazine | Jul 24, 2014 | Marine, News & Notes
Readers of CORAL Magazine should already be familiar with the long running SECORE Foundation, which continually pushes the boundaries of sexual coral reproduction research. The findings from SECORE (SExual COral REproduction) could have profound implications for both...
by Matt Pedersen | Jul 23, 2014 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
“Black Round Tubs”, or BRTs as they are commonly called, have become the new standard in marine fish larviculture, being seen in both commercial and hobbyist level applications (we occasionally see a variation on the BRT, the “Blue Round Tubs”,...
by Anne Linton | Jul 7, 2014 | CORAL Tables of Contents, Marine
BANNED VOLUME 11, NUMBER 4 6 Letter From Europe by Daniel Knop 9 Editor’s Page by James M. Lawrence 16 Reef News 28 Rarities CORAL staff report FEATURE ARTICLES 36 Lion tales – An aquarist’s guide to the genus Pterois and its kin by Scott W....
by Ronald L. Shimek, PhD | Jul 7, 2014 | CORAL - Ronald L. Shimek, PhD, Marine
Editor: This is Dr.Ron Shimek’s note about a image of feather dusters that recently arrived at A&M Aquatics in Lansing, Michigan, and were photographed by Ryan Shelander for a Rarities piece in the current issue of CORAL. Brian Wagner, also of A&M says...
by CORAL Magazine | Jul 7, 2014 | Marine, News & Notes
Thane Militz, a Ph.D. candidate with Australia’s James Cook University, is currently getting his feet (and everything else) wet in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Proceeded by the NGO-backed SEASMART Program (which should be very familiar to long-time CORAL Magazine...