ORA Introduces Captivebred Aiptasia-eating Filefish

ORA Introduces Captivebred Aiptasia-eating Filefish

ORA Aiptasia-Eating or Bristletail Filefish Acreichthys tomentosus Aiptasia or Glass Anemones, opportunistic stinging cnidarians of which there are 34 known species, are the scourge of many a reef tank, often reaching pandemic proportions in a short amount of time....
CORAL Video: Solomon Islands Reefs

CORAL Video: Solomon Islands Reefs

By Bruce Carlson, Ph.D. and Marj Awai Soundtrack: 2002 Band In 2006, the Nature Conservancy published the results of an extensive underwater survey of the coral reefs of the Solomon Islands.  They concluded that “the Solomon Islands is an area of high conservation...
Issue Preview: CORAL March/April 2016

Issue Preview: CORAL March/April 2016

CORAL Magazine Volume 13, Number 2 Look to the next CORAL for lively inspiration and cover-to-cover information, ideas and world-class photography. As the reef aquarium becomes ever more realistic, more and more aquarists aim to keep fishes in natural-looking shoals,...