by CORAL Magazine | May 24, 2019 | Marine, News & Notes
via Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission A total of 19,167 spiny, invasive predators were removed from Gulf and Atlantic waters as part of the Emerald Coast Open, which coincided with the fifth annual Lionfish Removal and Awareness Festival at AJ’s...
by Ronald L. Shimek, PhD | May 24, 2019 | CORAL - Ronald L. Shimek, PhD, Marine
Dangerous Isopod Hitchhikers Are Found In Reef Tanks In a younger world, being a professional invertebrate zoologist, I wanted to learn about the variety of critters hitchhiking into our reef tanks. As a result, for about 10 years, I had online columns where I...
by CORAL Magazine | May 20, 2019 | Marine, News & Notes
via the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Research Institute (FWRI) FWRI and partners from NOAA Fisheries Service, University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science, and Callaway Marine Technologies recently returned...
by Matt Pedersen | May 16, 2019 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
Dubbed “Koi” by the aquarium trade and hobby, aberrant tangs and angelfish that display mottled, patchy coloration that heavily deviates from the norm command attention. They remain a relative rarity, only occasionally encountered and collected for the...
by Quality Marine | May 16, 2019 | Marine, SPONSOR - Quality Marine
via Quality Marine Quality Marine has imported some exciting and important species of marine fish from its longtime partner in the Cook Islands. Our Cook Island partners supply Quality Marine with an extensive list of rare and beautiful species, and they are a model...
by CORAL Magazine | May 16, 2019 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
an excerpt from the Reef News column of CORAL Magazine, March/April 2019 Recently increasing numbers of color variants of the Scopas Tang (Zebrasoma scopas) have been turning up in the aquarium trade and have generated much curiosity—and elevated prices when they...