by Matt Pedersen | Jan 11, 2019 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
Above: Video by Tanne Hoff documenting the successful husbandry of the Red Sea’s Hooded Butterflyfish, Chaetodon larvatus, regarded as a staunch corallivore in the wild. When we believe for decades that something is impossible, we tend to get stuck in our ways....
by Matt Pedersen | Jan 4, 2019 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, CORAL Excerpt, Marine
What better way to start off the New Year and an issue on Micromussa than to talk with Kris Cline, founder of Carolina Aquatics in Kernersville, North Carolina, and Jeffrey Slemp of Cuttle Fish and Corals in Portland, Oregon? Both professional aquarists have...
by Matt Pedersen | Dec 20, 2018 | AMAZONAS - Matt Pedersen, CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Freshwater, Marine
The Maryland-based YouTube phenom Mok-Yi Chow, who calls himself the Inappropriate Reefer, has a thriving channel which has achieved some 3.8 million views at this time. One of his latest uploads takes the viewer on a whirlwind tour of Hong Kong’s astonishing...
by Matt Pedersen | Nov 29, 2018 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
“Join me on a dive in one of our Acropora baby tanks in Wilhelmshaven, Germany. All of the A. surculosa and A. digitifera were raised from eggs in Guam in 2015 and 2016. Sorry for the shaky camera; I have to improve my camera-holding-device (and my own skills, I...
by Matt Pedersen | Nov 16, 2018 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
“Why would one of the most agile creatures in the ocean choose to scamper backwards?” That is the question posed by Science Friday’s feature “The Macroscope,” which investigated the oddly intriguing behavior of octopuses that forego their...
by Matt Pedersen | Nov 7, 2018 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
Over the past few years, CORAL readers have time and again been introduced to exciting underwater footage shared by Reef Patrol. Vanessa Cara-Kerr, the primary underwater filmmaker at Reef Patrol, has launched a new YouTube video series aiming to share insightful...