by Matt Pedersen | Jan 8, 2021 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine, New Products
Continued mixing of species and mutated genes reveals ever more diversity in the basic patterning of designer clownfish Hybridization between the Black Storm Ocellaris and the Picasso Percula Clownfish has yielded yet another exciting hybrid ornamental clownfish on...
by Matt Pedersen | Dec 23, 2020 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
SPS up top, and NPS underneath: Rich Ross’s reef tank continues to captivate! During the initial wave of pandemic-related stay-at-home mandates, many reefkeepers found more time than normal to pay attention to the hobby they loved. Richard Ross was busy in his...
by CORAL Magazine | Dec 18, 2020 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
Can you identify this marine invertebrate? Hint: It is not Christmas Tree Worms. Image by Vincent Chalias/Bali Aquarium. Excerpt from Reef VisionsEdited by Matt PedersenJanuary/February 2021 CORAL RED & GOLD CYCLOSERISCycloseris sp.Bali AquariumDenpasar, Bali,...
by Matt Pedersen | Dec 11, 2020 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine, New Products
Junda Lin’s Peppermint Shrimp, Lysmata jundalini, was only described in 2012. Just 8 years later, it debuts as a captive-bred aquarium resident from Bocas Mariculture, with U.S. distribution by Biota Aquariums. Image by Dr. Matthew L. Wittenrich....
by Matt Pedersen | Dec 4, 2020 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
ACI Aquaculture’s “Covid ‘Shroom” Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. If 2020 had a coral mascot, this would be it. What’s been dubbed the “COVID ‘Shroom” in private conversations has an interesting backstory, as...
by Matt Pedersen | Dec 1, 2020 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine, News & Notes
Yellow Tangs, Zebrasoma flavescens, are the iconic marine aquarium fish only available through Hawaiian fishery harvest (and recently captive-bred offerings), and one of the spotlight species in the battle over the future of Hawaii’s aquarium fishery. Image...