by Matt Pedersen | Dec 30, 2021 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Cover of CORAL Magazine Volume 19, Issue 1 – REEF GHOSTS – January/February 2022. On the cover: Comet or Marine Betta, Calloplesiops altivelis: BluePlanetArchive / David B. Fleetham. Background: Euphyllia glabrescens: Michael Vargas Photography Go to the Digital...
by CORAL Magazine | Nov 12, 2021 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Wall-to-wall corals have grown to completely fill out this 187-gallon (708-L) display tank in just 4.5 years. SPECIAL NOTE! Join ReefBum’s Keith Berkelhamer and CORAL editor Matt Pedersen for an exclusive live Q&A session on December 2nd, 2022, at 7 p.m....
by CORAL Magazine | Oct 29, 2021 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Cover of CORAL Magazine Volume 18, Issue 6 – FANG BLENNIES – November/December 2021. On the cover: Bluestripe Fangblenny, Plagiotremus rhynorhynchus, Blue Planet Archive. Background: Lobophyllia sp. Coral: Gary Bell/Oceanwide Images. Go to the Digital Edition—for...
by Matt Pedersen | Sep 30, 2021 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Cover of CORAL Magazine Volume 18, Issue 5 – SOLAR SYMBIONTS – September/October 2021. On the cover: “Zooxanthellae” cells: Frank Fox/Science Photo Library. Background: Ricordea yuma Mushroom Coral: Michael Vargas. Go to the Digital Edition—for Immediate Reading The...
by Matt Pedersen | Sep 10, 2021 | CORAL - Matthew L. Wittenrich, CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Marc Levenson, founder of Melev’s Reef, surveys his 400-gallon in June, 2021, shortly before he and Duane Oestreich completely reworked the aquascape, replacing large colonies with tiny pieces of the originals. Live long and prosper: Lessons learned in an...
by Matt Pedersen | Aug 13, 2021 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Can you identify our newest mystery coral, photographed by Michael Vargas? It’s time again for another mystery coral. Most reefkeepers will have no problem guessing the genus, but how concise can you get? Can you name it right own to the cultivar level? Some...