by CORAL Magazine | Apr 26, 2013 | CORAL Excerpt
Testimony for listing 66 coral species under the Endangered Species Act Background In principle, I find that listing many of the proposed coral species under the ESA is warranted, is based on the best available science, and is of value. I commend the biological review...
by CORAL Magazine | Apr 26, 2013 | CORAL Excerpt
April 6, 2013 Assistant Regional Administrator Protected Resources, NMFS, Southeast Regional Office 263 13th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 Fax 727-824-5309; Attn: Protected Resources Assistant Regional Administrator. Re: Listing of 66 Reef-Building Coral...
by CORAL Magazine | Apr 25, 2013 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Helping Coral Ecosystems Survive a Changing Climate By Dr. Tim McClanahan, Post by the Wildlife Conservation Society on National Geographic As we mark Earth Day this year with a recognition of “the face of climate change,” it is clear that the greatest threat to coral...
by CORAL Magazine | Apr 25, 2013 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Scientists find advantages of bigger marine protected areas Images by Tim R. McClanahan, Wildlife Conservation Society In a landmark survey of the Chagos Archipelago, due south of the Maldives in the central Indian Ocean, marine scientists found robust coral cover,...
by CORAL Magazine | Apr 25, 2013 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Fascinating video of so-called Horse Conch, Triplofusus giganteus, besieged by hermit crabs. Not a true conch, this large snail is a carnivore and will consume other snails and cannibalize members of its own species. It is the largest gastropod in the tropical Western...
by CORAL Magazine | Apr 16, 2013 | CORAL Excerpt
We recently ran a number of stories online regarding the last minute effort to interject commentary into the efforts to list 66 species of stony corals under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). [Story #1, #2, #3, #4] Between Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013, and the closure...