Acropora 911: Calling in the Clowns

Acropora 911: Calling in the Clowns

Corals Attacked by Seaweed Use Chemical Signals to Summon Help “Bodyguard” fish quickly respond to graze on invading marine algae Corals under attack by toxic seaweed do what anyone might when threatened–they call for help. Results reported in the...
Innocent Fish, Happy Fishermen

Innocent Fish, Happy Fishermen

Unsuspecting fish from marine protected areas: easy targets for spear fishers Big fish that have grown up in marine reserves don’t seem to know enough to avoid fishers armed with spear guns waiting outside the reserve. This, say researchers in a new paper, is good...
Killer Solution for Coral Reef Killer

Killer Solution for Coral Reef Killer

Researchers Stumble Upon Lethal Control for Crown of Thorns Starfish An Australia-based team of marine scientists has developed what may prove an effective control for the dreaded Crown of Thorns starfish (COTS), which periodically ravages coral reefs across the...

MACNA Miami Launching Ticket Sales

MACNA 2013, will be staged in Hollywood, Florida (between Miami and Ft. Lauderdale) from August 30 through September 1, 2013 and will be hosted by the Florida Marine Aquarium Society. One of the most-active marine clubs in the world, FMAS is the home society for such...