by CORAL Magazine | Jun 21, 2013 | Marine, News & Notes
Three years after a strikingly pigmented aberrant morph of Premnas biculeatus was collected off Fisherman’s Island in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and quickly made headlines throughout the aquarium world, the first captive-bred Lightning-type offspring are about to...
by CORAL Magazine | Jun 13, 2013 | Marine, News & Notes
Live Feeds at the Tropical Aquaculture Lab: Colurella adriatica Story by Rising Tide Conservation, republished with permission. We first spotted Colurella adriatica in one of our larval rearing systems that had been fed wild zooplankton. It exhibited some...
by CORAL Magazine | Jun 7, 2013 | Marine, News & Notes
Sometimes science just happens, as when a new species turns up by happenstance, hope, and a generous measure of luck. A beautiful new species of blenny has been discovered as unintended bycatch during targeted specimen catching off Curaçao at about 550 ft...
by CORAL Magazine | Jun 5, 2013 | Marine, News & Notes
Most are smaller than a pinhead and are largely unseen by humans who don’t have a magnifying lens in hand, but foraminiferans or “forams” are found in countless numbers on the world’s reefs, often forming part of the matrix of sandy substrate...
by CORAL Magazine | May 28, 2013 | Marine, News & Notes
COVER FEATURES: CORAL Volume 10, Number 4 Family Acanthuridae: The Tangs and Surgeonfishes Text and Images by Robert M. Fenner, Daniel Knop, Keoki Stender Tang Captive Culture-A Progress Report: A Special Report by Matthew L. Wittenrich, PhD Aquarium...
by CORAL Magazine | May 22, 2013 | Marine, News & Notes
Long-time foes Robert “Snorkle Bob” Wintner and Rene Umberger, both with ties to the dive and snorkle tourism trade in Hawaii, lead new effort to attack the aquarium trade Announcement from Sea Shepherd OPERATION REEF DEFENSE LAUNCHES IN HAWAII Sea...