Mystery Fish Revealed

Mystery Fish Revealed

Orange-lined TriggerfishBalistapus undulatus The Orange-lined Trigger is a truly stunning reef fish, but one with a reputation for belligerence. It grows to 30 cm (12 in), and Fishbase warns that is “traumatogenic)—it will attack and bite divers’ (and...
Behold, the Voodoo Aquarium

Behold, the Voodoo Aquarium

New Wave “Voodoo” aquarium with its own phosphorescent glow was seen at the recent Interzoo trade fair in Nuremberg, Germany. Spotted at Interzoo 2022 in Nuremberg, a startling line of German “Voodoo” Aquariums from New Wave Concepts in...
Unlocking the Mysteries of Larval Settlement

Unlocking the Mysteries of Larval Settlement

An adult Hydroides elegans tubeworm, in its tube, with its plume of tentacles extended. Science has identified a bacterial trigger from marine biofilms that larvae of this common species need to settle out of the plankton. Credit: Freckelton et al. 2022 Most...
MACNA 2022 Program Book Media Kit

MACNA 2022 Program Book Media Kit

A copy in every Welcome Kit and free access to 100,000+ online Digital Edition reefkeepers. VIP Invitation: MACNA is back—and looking to the future of the marine aquarium hobby & trade. Ad Spaces are Limited — Reserve Early! Reach 100% of all MACNA 2022 Conference...