by CORAL Magazine | Feb 22, 2014 | Marine
Almost a thing of the past, a fish-dominated marine aquarium with no corals or ornamental invertebrates is a rarity these days, but Reefbuilders’ videographer Jake Adams finds an outstanding exception in the home of Chris Campbell of Highlands, Colorado....
by CORAL Magazine | Feb 3, 2014 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Excerpt from CORAL Magazine January/February 2014 Overnight sensation: New captive-bred Aussie shoaling fish Eastern Hulafish Trachinops taeniatus It’s called the Eastern Hulafish, Trachinops taeniatus, an unexpected aquacultured newcomer for the reef aquarist, and...
by CORAL Magazine | Jan 24, 2014 | Marine
CREDITS Reef Fishes – Reef Life of the Andaman Nick Hope | Bubble Vision | You Tube This is Part 9 of Nick Hope’s excellent series, also available in feature length on the Andaman Sea, also known as the Burma Sea, part of the eastern Indian Ocean. Read...
by CORAL Magazine | Jan 16, 2014 | Freshwater, Marine
At the risk of losing business, I am going to rant a bit… Aquarists who flaunt exotic species laws may be hanging the noose for all of us Commentary by Ted Judy Sometimes exotic-animal hobbyists, including aquarists, are our own worst enemies when it come to the...
by CORAL Magazine | Jan 16, 2014 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
CORAL contributing Senior Editor Matt Pedersen has been quietly working on a basement pond project. While it sat filled, but largely devoid of livestock, since 2011, Pedersen finally fully stocked it in 2013, with the goal of spawning fish most aquarists would never...