by CORAL Magazine | Feb 28, 2014 | Marine, News & Notes
CORAL, The Reef & Marine Aquarium Magazine, has been named Hobbyist Magazine of the Year in a Niche Media awards ceremony in Charleston, South Carolina on February 26th. Likened to an Oscar for smaller publications, the Nichee Magazine Awards recognize excellence...
by CORAL Magazine | Feb 24, 2014 | Marine, New Products
via Fisheye Aquaculture The first ever commercially aquacultured Smallmouth Grunts (Haemulon chrysargyreum) are now available from FishEye Aquaculture!!!! They are well known for their brightly yellow striped bodies and their majestic schooling ability, as a matter of...
by CORAL Magazine | Feb 24, 2014 | Marine, News & Notes
Researchers in Hawaii, in conjunction with the now well-known Rising Tide Conservation project, are getting very close to the first captive-bred Yellow Tang, Zebrasoma flavescens, but only after revisiting work that started over a decade prior. Originally published in...
by CORAL Magazine | Feb 23, 2014 | Marine
A startling splotch of vivid crimson growing on the substrate was what first caught the eye of Peruvian marine zoologist Yuri Hooker in 2002 while he was diving in the relatively unexplored waters of the Peruvian Pacific. Not a sponge, which Hooker collects from time...
by CORAL Magazine | Feb 22, 2014 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine, New Products
New Captive-Bred “Holy Grail” Reef Fish Now Commercially Available Excerpt from CORAL, Rarities, March/April 2014 Oceans, Reefs & Aquariums in Fort Pierce, Florida, is continuing its parade of unexpected and never-before-seen captive-bred species with...