by CORAL Magazine | May 19, 2015 | Marine
For fans of Scyphozoans, the mysterious gossamer invertebrates we call jellyfishes, here is another rapturous video from German videographer Vanessa Cara-Kerr. This latest production, enigmatically entitled “Glitch” (perhaps a reference to her editing...
by CORAL Magazine | May 15, 2015 | Marine, News & Notes
Seemingly a creation from the studios of Dr. Seuss, the opah, or moonfish, has for years been an enigma for marine scientists who could not reconcile its predatory hunting habits with the deep, cold waters of the world’s oceans where it dives to depths of 500m...
by CORAL Magazine | May 14, 2015 | Marine, News & Notes
In a race with the accelerating warming and acidification of the seas, marine biologists are attempting to put stony corals on a fast track to becoming more tolerant of water conditions that might previously have triggered their bleaching or demise. The work is being...
by CORAL Magazine | May 8, 2015 | Marine
This weekend, take a virtual snorkel in this rapidly growing SPS-dominated reef aquarium by Richard Colombo. Watch the video below! Some quick digging on Colombo’s Youtube Channel starts to paint the picture of this reef tank, a successful upgrade from a...