ORA Introduces Captivebred Aiptasia-eating Filefish

ORA Introduces Captivebred Aiptasia-eating Filefish

ORA Aiptasia-Eating or Bristletail Filefish Acreichthys tomentosus Aiptasia or Glass Anemones, opportunistic stinging cnidarians of which there are 34 known species, are the scourge of many a reef tank, often reaching pandemic proportions in a short amount of time....
Issue Preview: CORAL March/April 2016

Issue Preview: CORAL March/April 2016

CORAL Magazine Volume 13, Number 2 Look to the next CORAL for lively inspiration and cover-to-cover information, ideas and world-class photography. As the reef aquarium becomes ever more realistic, more and more aquarists aim to keep fishes in natural-looking shoals,...