by Matt Pedersen | Apr 23, 2015 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
The artistry of Korea’s Youngil Moon was all too briefly shared with the world on a popular internet forum in 2014. A few people recognized the aquarium for the masterpiece it was, but in the end, the internet moved on and were it not for social media and...
by Matt Pedersen | Mar 27, 2015 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Genetics | Hybrids | Species Part 1| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6a | 6b | 6c | 6d | 6e | 7 | 8 | Index Changing Our Clownfish Mindset What can (and should) aquarists do with a deeper understanding of Clownfish biodiversity? by Matt Pedersen A Parallel Example From the World of...
by Matt Pedersen | Mar 27, 2015 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
Two months back, we shared stunning underwater footage of a “UV Coral Reef Dive” from Frankfurt-based videographer Vanessa Cara-Kerr. What I didn’t share then, was some of the other captivating footage she compiled from her time spent in Koh Tao....
by Matt Pedersen | Mar 12, 2015 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, CORAL Excerpt, Marine
Tigerpyge to the Rescue By Matt Pedersen Images by “Lemon” Tea Yi Kai and Frank Baensch As first printed in the March/April 2015 issue of CORAL Magazine I’m going to propose a simple idea that will have certain colleagues of mine, particularly those from...
by Matt Pedersen | Mar 12, 2015 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
Every once in a while you stumble across a hidden gem online. For me, this often happens via video suggestions on YouTube. I found this reef aquarium by Taiwan’s Gary Lo captivating. The aquarium comes in at 700L, or roughly 185 gallons. If Google Translate is...