by Matt Pedersen | Jun 23, 2016 | Marine
This is a well-established tank, but I’m quickly starting to gather that it’s had a reboot. This first video is a documentation of the aquarium at the two-year mark with enlightening notes from Paul Brun, an outstanding system keeper. Here’s where it was featured...
by Matt Pedersen | Jun 1, 2016 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
In the northern part of the U.S., the onset of summer ushers in prime time for the pursuit of native fishes in our backyard waters. While “native fishes” often elicit thoughts of Rainbow Darters, Sunfishes or one of a few killifishes, we should probably...
by Matt Pedersen | May 13, 2016 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
The Mimic Octopus, Thaumoctopus mimicus, makes a habit of disappearing in plain sight by pretending to be something its not. I cannot help but wonder if they’re a bit exhibitionist as well. There are a surprising number of videos showing the Mimic Octopus mating...
by Matt Pedersen | Apr 15, 2016 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
It was admittedly surreal to look at the holding tank in my fishroom this March and realize it housed five of the first captive-bred Yellow Tangs the world has ever known. I quipped online among my friends that I never thought that I’d see this happen in one of my...
by Matt Pedersen | Mar 4, 2016 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
Among colleagues: Matt Pedersen checks in with Koralle Editor Daniel Knop as his showpiece reef in Germany starts to come of age Back in August 2015, we gave you a first look at the office reef aquarium of CORAL Magazine’s International Editor Daniel Knop, near...