by Matt Pedersen | Jan 2, 2018 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
Joey Jones of the YouTube channel TheCoralReefTalk embarked on his own Mason Jar reef tank project in 2016. While we’ve shown off many successful, often long-term aquariums, Jones seems to have taken a different approach than the others we’ve featured. As...
by Matt Pedersen | Dec 28, 2017 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
CORAL Magazine’s exciting first issue for 2018, the January/February issue, MICRO REEFS, is printed and will soon be delivered to subscribers, local aquarium shops, and select bookstores—on sale January 2nd, 2018, at the best marine aquarium retail stores and...
by Matt Pedersen | Dec 26, 2017 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
Turn the pages of your new issue to catch a glimpse of some of the hottest corals on the market right now, and see even more that didn’t make the final cut in this exclusive ONLINE BONUS. For every issue of CORAL Magazine, we reach out to coral collectors,...
by Matt Pedersen | Dec 22, 2017 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
YouTube channel CoralFish12g founder “George” started reefkeeping back in 2008, and over the years he’s used his channel not only to talk about reefkeeping, but at times to feature the reefs of hobbyists from around the globe. In this beautifully...
by Matt Pedersen | Dec 21, 2017 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
It’s nice to see that the people putting out information are actually capable of what they’re sharing, as demonstrated by this six-month-old reef jar from the makers of Replete with many examples of the corals most recommended by contributors...