by Matt Pedersen | Jul 5, 2018 | CORAL Excerpt, Marine
CORAL Magazine’s 4th issue for 2018 could be considered a bit retro, revisiting some of the big, bold, beautiful, and easy-to-care-for marine aquarium fishes that may have had their heyday back when bleached coral decor was the norm. Considering that small to...
by Matt Pedersen | Jun 21, 2018 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine
The genus Plectranthias contains right around 50 examples of small, bottom-dwelling Anthiines. On the whole, they are seldom encountered by aquarists, and for that matter, most live at depths which preclude frequent collection for the marine aquarium trade. The...
by Matt Pedersen | Jun 21, 2018 | Marine, New Products
via Reef Nutrition Apex-Pods™ – LIVE Apocyclops panamensis copepods – easy to use and culture! Reef Nutrition’s new Apex-Pods™ (LIVE Apocyclops panamensis) are 100% aquacultured copepods that swim upwards with a stimulating, jerky motion which is...
by Matt Pedersen | May 30, 2018 | CORAL - Matt Pedersen, Marine, New Products
The Sapphire Damselfish, Pomacentrus pavo, is also known as the Peacock Damsel or simply the Pavo Damsel. This species has been on CORAL Magazine’s captive-bred ornamental marine fish species list since we started keeping track in 2013, but it was never...
by Matt Pedersen | May 24, 2018 | CORAL - Than Thein, Marine
How does someone go from being a successful business lawyer, only to throw it all away to instead become a landlocked coral farmer in the middle of Ohio? Find out as worlds collide in this unique on-location video. CORAL Magazine contributor and proprietor of Tidal...