Jakarta Live Rock Lands in the US

Jakarta Live Rock Lands in the US

“Authentic live rock,” meaning naturally-formed rock and rubble structures harvested from the ocean, has been increasingly rare in the aquarium trade. A new influx of “real live rock” from Jakarta is sure to catch the attention of reef...
VIDEO: 65,000 L Reef Tank Tour!

VIDEO: 65,000 L Reef Tank Tour!

Spectators watch as a diver in the Zoo Rostock reef aquarium clears detritus from the corals and rock with a jet of water. Image from SeaFriendlyReef video. Nearly as large as the iconic 20,000-gallon reef exhibit at the Long Island Aquarium, this incredible...
Hawaii’s Fishy Double Standard

Hawaii’s Fishy Double Standard

Reef Fish, $5/lb. Images from recent online ad posting. Hawaii’s small marine aquarium fishery has long been considered one of the most well-studied, well-managed ornamental marine fisheries on the planet. Anti-aquarium activists have attempted to legislate the...
Breathtaking New Caribbean Damsel Species Described

Breathtaking New Caribbean Damsel Species Described

What was once considered a color morph is now recognized as a new species of Western Atlantic damselfish: Meet Chromis vanbebberae, the Whitetail Reeffish. Juvenile coloration, St. Paul’s Rocks, Brazil. Image credit Ross Robertson, CC BY 4.0 “The discovery...