This 3-gallon (11-L) reef, complete with stony corals and an astonishing array of marine organisms is tracked as it matures and evolves over its three-year life by owner Aaron Belandre, known to members of the forum as El Fab—a bit of a legend in his own time among pico reef enthusiasts.
Spoiler alert: Belandre had to move the tank toward the end of the time period, and the results are dismaying to watch.
CREDIT: Aaron Belandre | YouTube
This video ends with no explanation about what caused the reef to crash. Matt Pedersen sleuthed around and found the answers:
Matt wrote, “Halfway down – he moved the tank and it didn’t recover. I can relate…none of my tanks from Chicago went without incident in the move to Duluth…I had some livestock losses etc.
Here’s where he pulls the plug, giving up (he has some other tank going at the time he’s writing this) –> The end of the tank –“