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Volume 10, Number 3

6     Letter From Europe by Daniel Knop
9     Editor’s Page by James M. Lawrence
10   Letters
12   Reef News
24   Rarities by Inken Krause

30     Wrasse Class by Scott W. Michael
38     Wrasses: Suitable Species for the Aquarium by Inken Krause
48     Tank-Busting Wrasses: Genus Cheilinus by Scott W. Michael
56     In the Middle of the Atlantic: Pico Island by Werner Fiedler
65     Decapsulating Brine Shrimp Cysts by Karin Helwig
70     A Wunderpus Adventure by Roy Caldwell, Ph.D.
81     Nematocysts: All-Purpose Weapons by Dieter Brockmann, Ph.D.
88     Fiddler Crabs in Captivity: A Real Challenge Part 1 by Hans-Georg Rupp

99     How the Sea Came Home by Christoph Klose

109     Species Spotlight: The Sailfin Blenny by Daniel Knop
115     Reefkeeping 101: Heavy-metal poisoning, Part 2 by Daniel Knop; Tobacco Perch by Inken Krause
120     CORAL sources: Outstanding aquarium shops
122     Coralexicon: Technical terms that appear in this issue
123     CORAL destinations: World-class aquarium shops & places to visit
124     Advanced Aquatics: Can unusual suspects reform the aquarium livestock trade? by Ret Talbot
128     Advertiser Index
130     Reef Life: by Denise Nielsen Tackett and Larry P. Tackett

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