by Art Parola
House File 24 (https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislation/BillBook?ba=HF24&ga=91), introduced by Iowa State Representative Ray Sorensen on January 14th, 2025, would define sharks that can grow to more than 23 inches (58 cm) as “dangerous wild animals.” This designation would prohibit the ownership and possession of almost all shark species commonly kept, and often bred, in aquariums including bamboo sharks, epaulette sharks, cat sharks, carpet sharks, short-tail nurse sharks, and most wobbegong species.
The bill seems to result from lobbying by animal rights organizations seeking to push their agenda by grasping onto an incident last summer in which a staff member of a public aquarium was bitten by a bamboo shark. While sharks deserve proper husbandry and respect when kept in aquaria, this bill is a clear overreaction to an isolated incident and a thinly veiled attempt by animal rights organizations to push their anti-aquarium agenda.
Iowa aquarists should contact their state legislators to voice their opposition to the bill. Contact information for state legislators can be found here (https://www.iowa.gov/how-do-i-contact-state-legislators).
Further Reading: