Statement from Pet Advocacy Network Executive Vice President Robert Likins:
“On behalf of the responsible pet care community in the United States, we urge the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to reject its proposed 4(d) rule NOAA–NMFS–2023–0099 which would ban the import or export of the Banggai cardinalfish into and out of the United States. This rule is completely unnecessary, as the aquarium trade recognized the insecurity of the Banggai cardinalfish over a decade ago and worked to establish captive breeding programs that now successfully provide most of these beautiful and peaceful tropical fish that are admired by hobbyists and enthusiasts in aquariums around the world. This sustainable harvest and aquaculture practice does not put any pressure on the wild population and in fact significantly contributes to the conservation of these fish. We call on NOAA to consider the robust data that demonstrates that the current trade in and native fish management plan for the Banggai cardinalfish species are producing positive outcomes and to reject the proposed rule that will ultimately harm the conservation of the species.”
About Pet Advocacy Network
The Pet Advocacy Network connects the experience and expertise of the responsible pet care community to lawmakers and governing bodies, advocating for legislative and regulatory priorities at the local, state, federal and international levels. Since 1971, the organization has worked to promote animal well-being and responsible pet ownership, foster environmental stewardship, and ensure access to healthy pets, including small animals, cats, dogs, fish, reptiles and birds. Pet Advocacy Network members include retailers, companion animal suppliers, manufacturers, wholesale distributors, manufacturers’ representatives, pet hobbyists, and other trade organizations.