The Husbandry of Corallivorous Butterflyfishes and Other Reef Fishes

A newly-received Indian Redfin or Melon Butterflyfish, Chaetodon trifasciatus, sampling food from a coral skeleton in a quarantine aquarium.

A newly-received Indian Redfin or Melon Butterflyfish, Chaetodon trifasciatus, sampling food from a coral skeleton in a quarantine aquarium.

This page serves as a launchpad for anyone attempting the formerly unthinkable husbandry task; keeping coral-eating reef fishes alive in captivity. Corallivores, most notably the obligate corallivorous Butterflyfishes, may no longer be “cut flowers” as they were once written-off. While still among the most challenging “expert only” marine aquarium fishes for your saltwater tank, corallivorous fishes are not entirely doomed in captivity. It may be time to rethink these gaudy, but generally off-limits species.

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