7 Editor’s Page by Marc Levenson
8 Reef Notebook
• Aerial surveys show that a massive coral bleaching event is occurring in the Great Barrier Reef
by Australian Institute of Marine Science Information Center
• Captive-bred first—the Raccoon Butterflyfish by Matt Pedersen
14 Reef Visions by Matt Pedersen
22 Geographical Regions In the context of the marine aquarium hobby by Dr. Dieter Brockmann
28 Themed Tanks: Red Sea by Dr. Dieter Brockmann
34 Themed Tanks: Caribbean by Dr. Dieter Brockmann
40 Themed Tanks: Hawaii by Dr. Dieter Brockmann
46 Themed Tanks: The Coral Triangle by Werner Fiedler and Dr. Dieter Brockmann
54 Western Australia: West side story Traveling by motorhome between Perth and Ningaloo by Werner Fiedler
70 Aquarium Portrait A journey of love, loss, and hope: Our Natural Sunlit Reef by Joseph Palermo
87 Woodhead’s Dwarf Angelfish Centropyge woodheadi by Dr. Dieter Brockmann & CORAL staff
92 Advanced Aquatics – Care and breeding of the Royal Gramma, Gramma loreto by José María Cid Ruiz
104 Events Calendar
106 LFS Locator: Outstanding aquarium shops
108 CORALexicon: This issue’s scientific & technical terms
110 Reef Marketplace: The marine products showcase
112 Advertiser Index
114 Reef Life by Alex Rose