In the world of online streaming (e.g. Twitch.tv) the concept of a marathon stream represents a personal challenge, often in celebration or as an effort to generate interest. Blend the marathon live stream with the online versions of MACNA that were held in 2020 and 2021 during the pandemic, add a dash of good humor and fun, and that’s what viewers can expect from Marc Leveson’s new MarcNA.
No MACNA this year? Unacceptable for Marc [Levenson]! MarcNA was born for 2023.
Never attempted before, MarcNA is a 24-hour live reef and marine aquarium event for people around the world to attend simultaneously.
- 24 speakers from multiple countries
- 24 raffle prize drawings
- Raising funds for the Coral Restoration Foundation(TM) organization
MarcNA is the first of its kind! Never before has there been a 24-hour educational event for the reef-keeping hobby. All things saltwater will be considered, discussed and dissected. The Live Chat will allow attendees to pose questions to the guest speakers, and the moderators will make sure everyone has a good time.
MarcNA is entirely FREE to attend! MarcNA starts at 9 a.m. CST Saturday, September 9th, 2023 on youtube.com/melevsreef channel!
Learn more at the MarcNA website!