Cover of CORAL Magazine Volume 19, Issue 6: ANGELIC CHALLENGES (November/December 2022). Credits: Regal Angelfish, Pygoplites diacanthus, D.R. Schrichte. Background: Pachyseris sp. coral, Marc Chamberlain. Both: Blue Planet Archive.
HEREWITH, a sampling of articles and opening pages for readers curious about what the new CORAL Magazine issue brings.
Table of Contents for the November/December 2022 issue of CORAL Magazine. You can view this TOC online.A remarkable era ends with a succession of editors for the German edition, KORALLE. We warmly welcome Dr. Dieter Brockmann and bid Daniel Knop a fond farewell and thank him for two decades of fostering marine and reef aquaristics as a captivating, sustainable, joyous pursuit for all of us.REEF NEWS presents findings and happenings of note in the marine world. In this issue: Symbiont shuffle: corals in heat-stressed habitats found to host more resilient species of zooxanthellae; Paleontologists discover a 439-million-year-old ‘shark’ that forces us to rethink the timeline of vertebrate evolution; “Open season” for spawning of stony corals in captivity; Return of the captive-bred Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse.REEF VISIONS: A portfolio of extraordinary reef life spotted by Matt Pedersen in the current aquarium trade. Photographer Amanda Meckley and ACI Aquaculture locked in the opening spread with a gorgeous wild-collected Cycloseris fragilis plate coral (formerly Diaseris fragilis). Many more stunning corals await as you turn the pages of this issue!Author Scott Michael proclaims, “All Hail, Monarch of the Reef,” as we deeply dive into the captive husbandry of the often challenging Regal Angelfish, Pygoplites diacanthus.After sharing a thorough investigation into the application of refugiums in the reef aquarium (CORAL, July/August 2022), Kenneth Wingerter returns to the pages of CORAL with the first of two installments examing the Algae Turf Scrubber (ATS). Part 1 of Algae vs Algae offers a definitive history of this technology from its inception at the hands of Dr. Walter Adey.
The identification of coral species can be extremely challenging, but Coral ID expert Russell Kelley simplifies the task with the Coral Explorer series. In this issue, Kelley continues to identify the “long valley” sinuous coral genera from the Indo-Pacific with Part 2 of Separating the Sinuous.
One sign that we’re coming out of the Pandemic is that travel has returned. Werner Fiedler shares a pre-pandemic look at diving the Magicial Muck of Lembeh Strait.A 20-year tale of a reefkeeping, cuttle-breeding, Beast-raising Bay Area aquarist: Richard Ross invites you into his Secret Home Lab in this issue’s Aquarium Portrait.Dieter Brockman will have you rethinking Valonia, or Bubble Algae, in our Advanced Aquatics section.
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