HEREWITH, a sampling of articles and opening pages for readers curious about what the new CORAL Magazine issue brings.
Table of Contents for the September/October 2022 issue of CORAL Magazine. You can view this TOC online.“…some of us have envisioned marine aquariums as water-filled Arks, vessels to carry forth a multitude of coral reef species as conditions on wild reefs around the world find themselves in treacherous waters. Farfetched as this may seem, we are here to report with some confidence that a bona fide modern incarnation of the ancient craft of Biblical fable is now being assembled in the form of the Living Coral Biobank on the Australian coast adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef.” —Editor James Lawrence, sharing recent updates on the privately funded Living Coral Biobank Project.REEF NEWS presents findings and happenings of note in the marine world. In this issue: Deathly Glow: Biofluorescence in corals is a prey-baiting tactic; Swarming Krill: navigating with autopiloting behaviors; Save the fishes! (But which ones?); Rebounding Reefs: Some good news from Down Under.REEF VISIONS: A portfolio of extraordinary reef life spotted by Matt Pedersen in the current aquarium trade. Photographer Michael Vargas and Top Shelf Aquatics claim our opening spread, showcasing an incredible tricolor Montipora setosa, known in the trade as the Fruit Swirl Setosa.Author Scott W. Michael presents a definitive foray into the fascinating world of the boxing shrimps in the genus Stenopus. It’s a veritable reference book, tucked inside the pages of CORAL Magazine! Species Guide and images by the author and Dr. Yi-Kai (Lemon) Tea.Coral ID expert Russell Kelley and the Coral Explorer series take on the challenge of identifying the “long valley” sinuous coral genera from the Indo-Pacific.Award-winning author Michael S. Paletta went on assignment with CORAL photographer Michael Vargas to document New Yorker Andrew Sandler’s 17,000 masterpiece private reef aquarium, known as Polo Reef.Author Claudia Hafner argues that the Goldflake Angelfish, Apolemichthys xanthopunctatus, is a centerpiece fish for reef or FOWLR aquariums that is worth the expense! Learn all about it in the latest Species Spotlight.Public aquarists Felix Puff and Massimo Morpurgo offer a deep-dive investigation of the Blue Coral, Heliopora coerulea, and its long-term culture in reef aquariums in CORAL’s Advanced Aquatics column.
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