CORAL Magazine Readers, POP QUIZ!
Did you read the March/April ’22 issue yet? If so, you’ll have the answer. But, as always, “no spoilers” please!
To the rest of you, this stony reef organism is obviously gorgeous. Its branching form is graceful, sometimes described as lace-like. There is more than one genus of similar, related organisms that rarely show up in the aquarium trade, so that will add a layer of difficulty to solve this mystery.
This puzzling animal is generally regarded as an “impossible coral” when it comes to the reef aquarium. So, despite the outlandishly good looks, photographer & coral farmer Vincent Chalias isn’t farming them or exporting them, and shared this photo as a cautionary tale.
Think you have the answer? Then click here for the big reveal.
Stumped? Then you probably should subscribe to CORAL Magazine and be “in the know” next time!