It’s featured in REEF VISIONS in the March/April 2022 CORAL. What is the popular trade name of this organism? Image by Michael Vargas, taken at Aquatic Operations, Austin, Texas.

Proof, once again, that Nature can display an astonishing sense of color, this image may resemble a bolt of designer fabric but actually comes from a Texas reef aquarium. Can you name the organism pictured? Clues: the prevailing trade name has some rah-rah spirit as well as ties to one of the most-feared animals in the North woods—Gulo gulo to zoologists.

Hint #1: This is a highly desirable color form of an easy-to-keep reef aquarium genus.
Hint #2: Its trade name is linked to a school whose official colors are blue and maize.
Hint #3: Its trade name is also associated with a beast known as Gulo gulo, for “glutton, glutton”—a four-footed creature once described as “a cross between a Raccoon and a Grizzly Bear.”

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Excerpt from CORAL, March/April 2022

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