Sorry to disappoint if our title leads you to believe that Tidal Garden’s Than Thein was about to trash-talk the practice of giving corals catchy cultivar names and sky-high price tags that may, or may not, be justified!
Instead, Thein’s overview of coral-related taxonomic shuffling is insightful and a pleasure to watch. While a recent Internet meme suggests that “Hell” will be filled with people who capitalize the species name in binomial nomenclature, perhaps all it will take to keep you out of reef-keeper purgatory is an understanding that when you check out someone’s super-hot “Scoly” you’ll know what you’re really looking at!
Watch Than Thein’s Top-7 Misidentified Corals In the Reef Aquarium Hobby
Be sure to check out the Tidal Garden’s YouTube Channel for more great content from Than Thein!