Cover of CORAL Magazine Volume 18, Issue 3 – HOST ANEMONES – May/June 2021. On the cover: Amphiprion perideraion (Pink Skunk Anemonefish) with Heteractis magnifica host anemone. Franco Banfi. Background: Stichodactyla mertensii (Merten’s Sea Anemone). Both: Blue Planet Archive.
Cover of CORAL Magazine Volume 18, Issue 3 – HOST ANEMONES – May/June 2021. On the cover: Amphiprion perideraion (Pink Skunk Anemonefish) with Heteractis magnifica host anemone. Image: Franco Banfi. Background: Stichodactyla mertensii (Merten’s Sea Anemone). Both: Blue Planet Archive.

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HEREWITH, a sampling of articles and opening pages for readers curious about what the issue brings.

Table of Contents for the May/June 2021 issue of CORAL Magazine. You can view this TOC online.
Table of Contents for the May/June 2021 issue of CORAL Magazine. You can view this TOC online.
A friend and professional colleague for many in the farflung CORAL family, Dr. Daphne Fautin ranks as one of the boldface names in the world of modern marine biology, having pioneered the study of sea anemones and their complex symbiotic relationships with reef fishes, shrimps, and many other organisms. It’s fair to say her work helped protect the lives of countless sea anemones and their symbionts. We remember Dr. Fautin on the Editor's Page.
A friend and professional colleague for many in the farflung CORAL family, Dr. Daphne Fautin ranks as one of the boldface names in the world of modern marine biology, having pioneered the study of sea anemones and their complex symbiotic relationships with reef fishes, shrimps, and many other organisms. It’s fair to say her work helped protect the lives of countless sea anemones and their symbionts. Colleagues remember Dr. Fautin on the Editor’s Page.
REEF NEWS presents findings and happenings of note in the marine world. In this issue: Counting corals: World-first coral tally prompts rethinking of extinction risks, Ancient aggressor: Teeth used to trace origins of the Tiger Shark, and Octopus arms as models for next generations of “soft” robots.
REEF NEWS presents findings and happenings of note in the marine world. In this issue: Counting corals: World-first coral tally prompts rethinking of extinction risks; Ancient aggressor: Teeth used to trace origins of the Tiger Shark; and Octopus arms as models for the next generations of “soft” robots.
REEF VISIONS: A portfolio of extraordinary reef life spotted in the current aquarium trade. Carolina Aquatics and photographer Jeremy Shenk bring you this stunning as-of-yet unnamed Homophyllia bowerbanki! #NameTheBowerbanki and you could win a frag from it! We're accepting entries through May 31st, 2021!
REEF VISIONS: A portfolio of extraordinary reef life spotted in the current aquarium trade. Carolina Aquatics and photographer Jeremy Shenk bring you this stunning as-of-yet unnamed Homophyllia bowerbanki! #NameTheBowerbanki and you could win a frag from it and a three-year CORAL Subscription. We’re accepting entries through May 31st, 2021.
The writings of Joyce D. Wilkerson receive an update and new life in Host Anemones, Iconic wonders of the reef—mesmerizing and mysterious as ever.
Host Anemones are among the iconic wonders of the reef—mesmerizing and mysterious as ever. For aquarists, knowing their natural history and affinities for different species of anemonefish can be vital for their successful husbandry.
We continue our update of Joyce D. Wilkerson's foundational work in Clownfish-Hosting Anemones; An aquarist's guide to the species and the symbiotic partners they serve. A must-read for every aquarist planning to house clownfish and their host anemones!
We continue our update of Joyce D. Wilkerson’s foundational work in Clownfish-Hosting Anemones: An aquarist’s guide to the species and the symbiotic partners they serve. A must-read for every aquarist planning to house clownfish and their host anemones!
How are the host anemones actually related, and how many species are there actually? Benjamin M. Titus, Ph.D., reveals new research which suggests that these forgotten anthozoans are due for a taxonomic shakeup.
How are the host anemones actually related, and how many species are there actually? Benjamin M. Titus, Ph.D., reveals new research that suggests that these forgotten anthozoans are due for a taxonomic shakeup.
SKUNKED! Scott W. Michael is seduced by the lovely Phalerebrus anemonefishes, collectively known as the Skunk clownfishes in the aquarium hobby. Meet the species and find the perfect clownfish antidote to your "designer" clownfish fever!
SKUNKED! Scott W. Michael is seduced by the lovely Phalerebus anemonefishes, collectively known as the Skunk clownfishes in the aquarium hobby. Meet the species and find the perfect clownfish antidote to your “designer” clownfish fever!
A new home brings the chance of a lifetime to build a dream reef; watch the creation of Stefan Betzenhauser come to life in Neptune's Garden, our Aquarium Portrait. Bonus: watch a video of this reef aquarium when we briefly featured it online in 2020!
A new home brings the chance of a lifetime to build a dream reef; watch the creation of Stefan Betzenhauser come to life in Neptune’s Garden, our Aquarium Portrait. Bonus: watch a video of this reef aquarium when we briefly featured it online in 2020!
A classic showstopper species, Apolemichthys xanthopunctatus, the Goldflake Angelfish, is a magnificent choice for the experienced marine aquarist. Learn more about it in our Species Spotlight.
A classic showstopper species, Apolemichthys xanthopunctatus, the Goldflake Angelfish, is a magnificent choice for the experienced marine aquarist. Learn more about it in our Species Spotlight.
Overun by pests? Reef just gotten away from you? Thomas Frerichs walks you through his reef reboot, giving a second life to a failing reef aquarium. Learn from his experience in this issue's Reefkeeping 101 column.
Overun by pests? Reef just gotten away from you? Thomas Frerichs walks you through his reef reboot, giving a second life to a failing reef aquarium plagued by pest Manjano and Aiptasia anemones. Learn from his experience in this issue’s Reefkeeping 101 column.
Matt Pedersen takes the pulse of the anemone & clownfish hobby, compiling and presenting your own words of wisdom with reader photography from Lisa Edwards and Cynthia Reyes Taylor in Zen & the Art of Anemone Keeping.
Matt Pedersen takes the pulse of the anemone & clownfish hobby as reported in a CORAL Reader Survey. Find words of wisdom and amazing reader photography in Zen & the Art of Anemone Keeping.
Looking for CORAL? Find current and hard-to-find back issues from these wonderful independent aquarium retailers! You can find our current sources in each issue, as well as online!
Looking for CORAL? Find current and hard-to-find back issues from these destination independent aquarium retailers! You can find our current sources in each issue, as well as online!
"A sea anemone is a highly fascinating invertebrate with comparatively complex behaviors for an animal that has no eyes, no brain, and no skeleton," writes Koralle Editor Daniel Knop, reflecting on this issue's feature topic.
“A sea anemone is a highly fascinating invertebrate with comparatively complex behaviors for an animal that has no eyes, no brain, and no skeleton,” writes Koralle Editor Daniel Knop, reflecting on this issue’s feature topic.

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